Welcome to MuseNet!


Information on Muses and MuseNet

MuseNet, the Multi-User Science Education Network, is a system of computers in the domain musenet.info providing access to Educational MUSEs (Multi-User Simulated Environments), such as MicroMUSE and MariMUSE. It is based at MuseNet World Headquarters and supervised by Dr. Barry Kort ("Moulton") with assistance from Kevin Kane ("Frnkzk").

MUSEs are multi-user text-based virtual communities accessible via the Internet. They derive from popular text-based adventure games such as Adventure and Zork. But MUSEs support real-time interaction among many participants who collaborate to build their own world. Thus they support the constructivist model of learning, in the spirit of Dewey and Montessori. More than just multi-user programming environments, MUSEs foster a strong sense of community among participants.

MicroMuse is a multi-user simulation environment developed in the 1990s at Bolt Beranek and Newman. The system features explorations, adventures, and puzzles with an engaging mix of social, cultural, recreational, and educational content.

MicroMUSE / MuseNet has received the 1996 NII Award for pioneering innovations in Children's Education via the Internet.

MuseNet Services

Public Access TinyFugue Clients. Click here to connect to MicroMuse via Telnet.
Musenet FTP Archives at foofy.duckdns.org
Pueblo Project: A Global Learning Collaboratory
Pueblo: A Virtual Learning Community
Women's Resource Center Homepage
WhaleNet Web Server at whale.wheelock.edu
Southern Maine Partnership at the University of Southern Maine
Boston Museum of Science Web Server at www.mos.org
FoofyCafe at the HardNewsCafe
Edutel CommunityNet Servies
The Orenda Project

Documents of Interest

Searchable Online MUSE Help files
MUSEr's Homepages
MicroMUSE Administrator Home Pages
Other MuseNet User Home Pages
MicroMUSE-Related Documents
Other Interesting Documents - Including Muse Manuals
Lanesborough Virtual Schoolhouse
The Akhet-Aten Home Page (Web Archive)
Virtual Education by Jessica Chalmers
Amazed and Amused by the MUSE by Michael Clifford, Mark Tozer, James Cleere and Erin McGuirk
Bring a Candle, Not a Sparkler by Barry Kort
Socrates at the Terminal: Emotion's Neglected Role in High-Tech Education by Norman Weinstein, Educom Review 32:6, Nov/Dec 1997.
Moulton's Utnebury Pages of Random Items of Interest

Last Modified: June 11, 2001 by Webmaster (WebMaster) & WebClawService

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The MuseNet WebMaster Staff extends its gratitude to Cocoa and Gerardo Rubio Perez ("Lyceus") for donating their time to improving the MuseNet Web Server.