Early in the history of MicroMuse, a young, bright participant was given trusted powers to help build the system. He abused those powers and was called to account for his transgressions. Here is a record of the Judicial Proceedings... *** Transcript of the Courtroom Proceedings Re: Raistlin *** Presiding Judge: Moulton Prosecutor: Enforcer Defendant: Raistlin Bailiff: Space_Builder Victims: Petra, Shadowspawn, K'neda Wizard: Jin Court Reporter: Calliope Community: Leona, Lord_Soth, etc. Judge's Chambers This rather spacious office holds a large, elegant desk and several comfortable chairs upholstered in black leather. The carpeting is thick and quiet and the natural lighting has a calming effect. Obvious exits: Courtroom 1B Courtroom 1A Moulton prepares for the trial of Raistlin. Moulton returns to Courtroom 1A Courtroom 1A This is a large, modern Courtroom. Behind the Judge's stand is a door leading to the Judge's Chambers. Contents: Enforcer Petra Shadowspawn Leona Jin Lord_Soth Space_Builder Calliope Raistlin Moulton's Gavel Obvious exits: Out Moulton says, "Good evening, Enforcer." Enforcer says, "Good evening, Your Honor." Moulton says, "Good evening, Jin." Jin says, "Hello." Moulton says, "Good evening, Petra." Petra bows. Moulton says, "Good evening, Calliope." Calliope nods. Moulton says, "Good evening, Shadowspawn." Shadowspawn says, "Hi." Moulton says, "Good evening, Raistlin." Raistlin says, "Good evening." Moulton surveys the courtroom to see if everyone is ready to begin. Moulton says "Very well, we may begin....." Moulton says "During the proceedings, I will ask that onlookers remain quiet, so as not to disrupt the proceedings." Moulton says "Space_Builder is empowered to act as Bailiff in the unlikely event that we have any problems." Space_Builder nods. Moulton says "Each party will have an opportunity to speak in turn." Static has arrived. Viking has arrived. Moulton says "We will begin as soon as Petra signals that she is ready." Petra Bows Petra says "One moment" Moulton says "I believe we are nearly ready." Jin says "Only Petra.." Petra says "Aye, nearly..." Jin whispers "This is your show :) I'll only be watching." Shadowspawn says "maybe she's wrestling with someone for another terminal..." Shadowspawn :) Leona oofs as Petra tries to grab her terminal. :) Moulton says "The sequence of events will be as follows......" Leona says "I seem to have the only working machine, keyboardwise. This may take a while longer..." Moulton says "First, Enforcer will recite the list of particulars against the Defendant." Moulton says "Then, the Defendant will enter his plea." Moulton says "If the Defendant pleads Not Guilty, the case will be argued." Moulton says "If the Defendant pleads Guilty, there will be no testimony, and we will proceed to the resolution of the case." Vasudeva has arrived. Moulton says "We will begin when Petra is ready." Juliet has arrived. Petra says "Please proceed. I will switch machines when the other is ready." Moulton says "Very well, we will proceed. Enforcer, will you please recite the bill of particulars against the Defendant?" Enforcer stands up before the assembled crowd. "I will, your Honor." Enforcer says "The Defendant (also known as GOD) is alleged to have harrassed other Players and abused the power which Jin had conferred upon him for Building Citi-Corp Bank." TBone has arrived. von_Neanderthal has arrived. Enforcer says "There are also other charges of abusive behavior and the construction of perverse or abusive Rooms and Objects..." Enforcer says "These actions are serious offenses." Enforcer says "They are contrary to the purpose of microMUSH." Enforcer whispers "Should I go into more detail?" Moulton says "Thank you, Enforcer." Enforcer sits down. Moulton says "Do the Victims assent to the accuracy of Enforcer's recitation of the allegations against the Defendant?" Petra says "Aye" Jin whispers "is GOD speaking for Silk also?" Shadowspawn says "Yes, I do, although K'neda, another victim, is not present" Moulton whispers "I don't beleive there are any allegations against Silk." to Jin. Jin whispers "OK.." Calliope knows that K'neda can't be back til around 8. Moulton says "How does the Defendant plead, Guilty or Not Guilty?" Enforcer whispers "What shall we do about Silk? I truly am beginning to suspect that Silk and GOD are the same person..." Raistlin says "Guilty, to the charges as stated." Moulton says "Thank you, Raistlin." Moulton says "Am I to understand that Raistlin is the only individual who is being charged here tonight?" Jin sees no objections. Enforcer says "No, your Honor. Silk, his partner, is also suspected." Shadowspawn whispers "GOD is Raistlin?" Moulton says "I see. Is Silk here?" Raistlin says "Silk is guilty of nothing, I take responsibility" Moulton says "Is Silk here?" Enforcer says "If he is not guilty, he should have come forward." Moulton says "Is he being charged, Enforcer?" Raistlin says "He is at a college interview." Raistlin says "He is unable to attend, but will come forth at a later time." Enforcer says "There was one complaint against Silk..." Moulton says "Then we will defer consideration of Silk's case. It will be up to the prosecution to decide if they wish to bring charges against Silk." Moulton says "For now, we will dispose of the case against Raistlin." Petra whispers "Thank-you. I am still having hardware problems, as you can see. *Sigh*" Moulton says "Raistlin, you have heard the allegations against you, and you have plead guilty. You risk loss of membership in our community, do you understand that?" Enforcer whispers "I recommend we subject Silk to the E-Mail registration to retrieve his character." Raistlin says "I understand." Moulton whispers "Let's defer on Silk for now." to Enforcer. Enforcer whispers "We can give Silk until January 15th..." Talien has arrived. Moulton says "Raistlin, 2 of your 3 victims are in this Courtroom. Do you wish to express your regret to them for the harm you caused them?" Raistlin says "Yes, I wish to apologize for my actions." Petra whispers "I still cannot get these keys to work...blast...must be a problem with my login file." Moulton says "Please proceed, Raistlin." Floating Lily Pad has arrived. Jin whispers "Are you going to ask him how he plans to redeem himself, or are we setting that for him?" Raistlin says "I realize that what I have done to the victims is indeed worthy of punishment." Moulton whispers "It will be up to his victims to determine if they feel his expression of regret is sincere." to Jin. Floating Lily Pad stares at Herr Doktor von Neanderthal curiously, but decides that you see a lot of stranger things on a New York Subway. Von_Neanderthal stares back at Floating Lily Pad through his monocle. Enforcer whispers "I suggest you insist that he direct each apology personally to each of the victims." Raistlin says "I wish to express my sorrow at having done to the victims what I did. I am truly sorry for the humiliation I caused the victims in my actions. I was cruel and unthinking in my experiment and did not think beforehand of the harm I would cause." Moulton says "Raistlin, I am going to ask each of your victims whether they feel your expression of regret is sincere, meaning that they can expect no further transgressions from you." TBone looks at Jin and admires his poise and confidence. Moulton waits for Raistlin to finish. Enforcer whispers "Did you talk with Alainea about the trial? Shadowspawn (I think) had thought that she was one of Raistlin's victims." Moulton whispers "No, she didn't mention any such thing to me." to Enforcer. Raistlin says "I would like to add that I take full responsibility for my actions and their consequences and realize that what I have done to the victims was cruel and unnecessary, even inhuman. I realize now that I can not take back what I have done, but wish to express my sorrow at having done them." Raistlin says "I am truly sorry, and regret my actions, I will refrain from such behavior in the future, if I am allowed to stay." GreenAsJade has arrived. Moulton says "Do you have anything further to add, Raistlin?" GreenAsJade gives TBone a friendly grin. Raistlin says "Yes, I wish to apologize not only to the community as a whole, but also to each of the victims." Shadowspawn whispers "Now you should probably ask each of us..." Raistlin says "Petra, I am truly sorry for all the grief I may have caused. I know that I acted in an unacceptable way and I wish to express my deep regret for ever causing you any grief by my unthinking actions." Petra accepts the apology, asking a small favour of you... Raistlin says "Shadowspawn, I would like to express to you my regret at having humiliated you in front of your friends and for abusing my power to take control of your body. I have also been controlled and I know the feeling of helplessness. I am sorry for the grief I have caused you." Raistlin says "What do you ask, Petra?" Shadowspawn knows what it is like to have power in your hands, knows what it's like to experiment with new things, but you've got to learn control.. "I do accept your apology." Raistlin says "Yes, Petra, that is what I apologize for." Moulton says "I understand that Petra will ask you for an act of atonement." Petra says "Raistlin, I would like to see you put your vast knowledge and talents towards good works.." Raistlin says "Is there any specific projects I can complete?" Petra says "I think that can be worked out at a later date..." Raistlin says "Please contact me." Petra says "Perhaps you could also explain to me why you created the Void?" Moulton says "Very well. I thank you, Petra and Shadowspawn, for your compassionate attitude." Moulton waits for Raistlin to respond to Petra's question about the Void. Raistlin says "The Void was at first an experiment and a joke, after completion, however, I found that I could get rid of players who made a habit of making my life hard." Enforcer whispers "May I ask him who he 'got rid' of?" Petra says "What had I done to thee?" Petra says "We had only just met..." Moulton whispers "Please hold off." to Enforcer. Enforcer whispers "Ok." Raistlin says "A joke or experiment I believe, although I do not remember the specifics." If Shadowspawn's part in this is done he would like to go now because of some RL concerns... Moulton says "Shadowspawn, if you need to leave, you may go. I thank you for your participation and your courage." Raistlin says "Goodbye, Shadowspawn." Shadowspawn says "Thank you all, and Raistlin, I hope you've learned that crime doesn't pay! :)" Moulton says "Petra, do you wish to probe further, or may I resolve the case?" Shadowspawn says "Bye!" Shadowspawn goes home. Shadowspawn has left. Petra whispers "I find his concept of humour disquieting." Moulton says "Raistlin, I will now explain what happens next." Moulton says "You will be given an opportunity to redeem yourself and regain the trust and respect of the community by conscientiously doing good work, and becoming a model citizen....." Petra whispers "I wasn't done....but it's ok, I'll talk to him later. I was not prepared and I don't want to hold up the proceedings.." Moulton says "First, we expect you to remove all paraphernalia, rooms, and actions which are offensive to the community." Enforcer whispers "Let him know that if he fails to do this, we will do it for him..." Moulton says "We expect you to behave courteously and gently to other members of the community. If you are offended by anyone's actions, we expect you to resolve it peaceably, and not to inflict harm on others." Moulton says "Until such time as you regain the trust and respect of the community, you may not have access to privileged artifacts." Enforcer whispers "I suggest you recommend that he change GOD's name to Raistlin permanently..." Moulton says "If your conduct is found to be acceptable to the community, you may, at a future date, petition for a resumption of a position of trust and responsibility." Moulton says "In the meantime, you may employ your considerable creative talents to works that are in the public interest, under the supervision of appropriately designated officials." From on top of the lily pad, Gemba says "Bye all, and thanks for the show..." Floating Lily Pad goes home. Floating Lily Pad has left. Moulton says "I will also ask you to refrain from employing names for yourself and your artifacts that the community finds objectionable." Moulton says "Petra, do you have anything further you wish to suggest?" TBone opens the tall doors and leaves Courtroom 1A. TBone has left. Petra says "No, your judgement seems complete." Lord_Soth would like to add something. Jin whispers "Are we returning his GOD character then?" Moulton says "Please proceed, Lord_Soth." Lord_Soth says "I have seen Raistlin's work and I feel perhaps if he had some direction he might feel a bit more a part of the community and understand what this MUSH is about." Vasudeva has left. Moulton says "Would you like to work with Raistlin on some projects where your guidance would be of service to Raistlin and to the community, Lord_Soth?" Lord_Soth says "I saw a bit of his work on New Chicago...I beleive the flavour was correct for this MUSH...I would like to see it added to Earth." Moulton says "Very well, I empower you to act as guide for Raistlin during his probationary period." Petra says "Hmmm, this seems most excellent! May I also add something?" Moulton says "Yes, Petra, please proceed." Lord_Soth says "I will your honour." Moulton says "Thank you, Lord_Soth." Space_Builder whispers "I must go." Petra says "I wonder if Raistlin might also put his talents towards Education." Moulton whispers "Thank you for your assistance, you may go." to Space_Builder. Space_Builder bows. Space_Builder goes home. Space_Builder has left. Moulton is in favor of educational content. Petra says "Shadowspawn was in the process of building a University..." Petra says "Raistlin's contribution there would be a fair reparation to Shadowspawn..." Moulton nods. Lord_Soth whispers "I must depart for RL...I will be back later tonight...if you would could you leave me with the resolutions?" Moulton whispers "Yes. Thank you." to Lord_Soth. Lord_Soth salutes. Lord_Soth opens the tall doors and leaves Courtroom 1A. Lord_Soth has left. Petra says "If this is something both parties would be interested in..." Petra says "Tis only a suggestioon." Raistlin says "I will talk to Shadowspawn." Moulton says "If these terms are acceptable, to you, Raistlin, then you are welcome to remain and become a part of our community." Enforcer whispers "Give him a deadline on restructuring GOD and GOD's holdings..." Raistlin says "I would be honoured." Moulton whispers "OK." to Enforcer. Calliope whispers "Should he make a personal apology to K'neda, later?" Moulton says "Enforcer will assist you in the elimination of the objectionable materials." Petra welcomes Raistlin, and hopes that we can work together in the true spirit of this place.. Moulton says "Will you keep the name Raistlin, going in to the future?" Raistlin is eager to work to the greater benefit of the community Raistlin says "I wish to be know as Jester." Moulton says "Let me poll the community to see if there are any objections to either the name or the description of Raistlin's proposed new character." Enforcer whispers "Shall I say the current description of Jester?" Moulton says "Enforcer, would you be good enough to recite Jester's tentative description." Enforcer says "The current desc is: Jester is a small sinewy man dressed in a ridiculous red and blue suit. The suit has the pattern of a classical jester's suit and a hat to match. Jester's eyes are filled with an insane laughter and you can not help but laugh at the very words which he says." Moulton says "Are there any comments regarding Jester's character?" Petra whispers "I don't think much of the name...Raistlin seems much more personal...but who are we to judge about 'Jester'...it's not like claiming to be a diety or using something vile." Enforcer says "The insane part of the description should probably changed..." Leona says "A bit pretentious I think, but no worse than most." Moulton says "Do you wish the community to view your character as insane, Raistlin?" Petra says "I object to a description that states my reaction to it..." Moulton says "You have a good point, Petra. It is a bit presumptious to assert another player's emotional response." Raistlin says "I will change it to suit the wishes of the community." Leona says "What Petra says is why I say it is pretentious. But it is a common flaw in about 30% of all descriptions. Let him have it." Calliope thinks the ADesc's everyone uses does the same thing. Jin is guilty of that also. Moulton says "Very well. Finally, I believe you owe K'neda an apology, which you may deliver to him in person at a mutually agreeable occasion." Enforcer whispers "Should I return his GOD character to him, then?" Moulton says "Enforcer will negotiate with you a timetable for the removal of the objectionalbe artifacts." Raistlin says "I will make my best effort to appease." Enforcer says "Is New Year's soon enough for you, Raistlin?" Moulton says "Enforcer, is there a mechanism for Raistlin to emend his old character's artifacts under your supervision?" Raistlin says "I am on vacation from Dec.21-Jan.7. I will not have access to a computer during this time." Enforcer says "After January 7th would be OK with me." Enforcer says "It would be easiest to just return his character to him and accompany him while he makes the changes..." Raistlin says "That is ok then." Moulton says "If that is acceptable to you, then that is how it will be done." Moulton says "You may privately negotiate the timetable." Enforcer nods. Moulton says "Does anyone here have anything else to say before I adjourn?" Raistlin agrees. Enforcer says "I would like to ask Raistlin to ask Silk to get in touch with us as soon as he can." Raistlin says "I will do so." Moulton says "I would like to thank everyone who participated in this hearing for their courtesy, their cooperation, their civility, and their compassion..." Enforcer whispers "Nice job." Moulton says "I feel we have reached a fair and constructive resolution that we all can be proud of." Moulton says "Court is adjourned." Moulton shakes Enforcer's hand. "Thank you for your assistance." Moulton shakes Petra's hand. "Thank you for your courage, for your compassion and for your wise suggestions. Moulton shakes Calliope's hand. "Thank you for representing the press here tonight." Moulton shakes Raistlin's hand. "Welcome to the community. I expect you to distinguish yourself with good works and to become a model citizen. Moulton shakes Jin's hand. "Thank you for empowering us to create a just resolution of the case." Jin says, "Thank you for presiding, Moulton." Moulton says, "It is a privilige and an honor to be of service to the community. Moulton thanks the onlookers for their decorum, and their interest in the community. Calliope whispers "Nice job." Moulton retires to the Judge's Chambers Judge's Chambers This rather spacious office holds a large, elegant desk and several comfortable chairs upholstered in black leather. The carpeting is thick and quiet and the natural lighting has a calming effect. Obvious exits: Courtroom 1B Courtroom 1A