MicroMuse at the Moore School >

MicroMuse at the Moore School

Kathleen Manning
Harvard Graduate School of Education
June 1996

With the exception of Barry Kort, all names of people and organizations have been replaced with pseudonyms.


This study investigates the processes involved with Mr. Mulry's integrating the MicroMuse into his classroom teaching. It isolates factors that influenced the ease with which the innovation was accepted at the Moore School. This study also examines the educational benefits of the MicroMuse and determines appropriateness of this technology in a classroom setting. The time required to learn about the MicroMuse proves to be an important factor in evaluating the innovation's role as a classroom activity.

Research Methods

Over a five-week time span, I conducted this investigation through observation, interviews, and document review. During two classroom visits, I observed for a total of ten hours. I interviewed the teacher, a student, a parent, and Barry Kort, one creator of the MicroMuse. Because of the teacher's limited time, I interviewed him by phone and through six electronic mail messages.

The Moore School

The Moore School is the pilot school of a new technology-based school reform design. The school year is divided into curricular cycles, during which students complete projects reflective of the cycle theme. The only examinations are pre-cycle and post-cycle quizzes, and students are assessed through portfolios. Teachers and students together develop criteria for portfolio assessment. Possibly the most distinguishing factor of the school design is its full integration of technology. The computer system is locally networked and also linked to the Internet.


Mr. Mulry is in the preliminary stages of integrating the Micro-Muse into his classroom teaching. Muses, or Multi-User Simulated Environments, provide users with three primary abilities. Working only with text, people on the Muse have the power to instantly communicate with other users, explore imaginary and scientific model environments, and create characters, objects, and worlds. There are many different Muses targeting specific or general audiences. Mr. Mulry's class participates in the MicroMuse, because it is a science-oriented educational Muse designed specifically for K-12 students.

Several educational Muses, along with the MicroMuse, compose the Multi-User Science Education Network, or MuseNet. Examples of such educational muses include: the MariMuse at Pheonix College, the BridgeMuse at University of Southern Maine, and the EcoMuse at the University of Vermont, and the MicroMuse which is based at MIT. The MuseNet was founded and is now managed by Barry Kort, a scientist at Bolt Beranek and Newman.

Educational Benefits

Kort believes that there are many educational goals of the MicroMuse. The strengths include: literacy, collaboration, socialization, leadership, exploration, and model building. Mr. Mulry works toward having his students realize these goals. Because MicroMuse members must create worlds using text, students who are frequent Muse users develop an impressive command of language. Mr. Mulry states, "In order to use the Muse, students are faced with just about every grammar lesson, reading lesson, spelling lesson, and writing lesson that would be presented in a 'traditional' manner." Along with the mechanics of composition, students working on the Muse practice sentence structure, vocabulary, keyboarding, punctuation and spelling skills.


Mr. Mulry believes that Spelling is the academic area in which students demonstrate the most significant improvement. Students are interested in avoiding spelling errors because the person with whom they are communicating does not always understand the intended word, and mispelled words produce a "Huh?" response. In both cases, the spelling errors interfere with the communication flow and directly affect the user. This method of learning and assessment is quite different from taking a spelling quiz on Friday and getting back the answers on Monday.


Mr. Mulry's students working on the Muse can learn about new cultures by interacting with people from different parts of the world. During the afternoon, students typically communicate with users in Europe. There, it is night, and Europeans are on their home computers working on the Muse. On one wall in Mr. Mulry's classroom are four clocks. One clock is the regular classroom clock depicting Eastern Standard time. The remaining three clocks reflect different times with explanations written underneath: 'Canberra, Australia is sixteen hours ahead of us,' 'Los Angelel, CA is three hours behind us,' and 'Berlin, Germany is six hours ahead of us.' The MicroMuse enables students to travel beyond the physical boundaries of the classroom.


One way in which students learn on the MicroMuse is through imaginative socialization. In a virtual community, there are no constraints based on age, race, or gender. A user can create a self-like character, or try out a new persona. Students, without defining labels such as age, engage in meaninful discussions and help each other explore the MicroMuse.


MicroMuse users can also learn leadership skills. Students define themselves in the virtual community, and are able to take risks that they would not normally take in real life. Students who master the workings of the Muse can become mentors and gain a sense of being an expert in the field. (Mentors are experienced Muse members who welcome new users and guide them through Muse discovery.) Kort believes that the MicoMuse can be a supportive environment in which students gain confidence that transfers to their real lives.


Mr. Mulry declares that exploration and building are primary methods of learning scientific information through the MicroMuse. He explains that his students enjoy exploring imaginary worlds such as Narnia, or worlds based on scientific models such as Tommy Torso's digestive system. Students who explore the Solar system find that it accurately simulates planet motion and exemplifies the mechanics of Newtonian gravity. Other scientific models include: Mars, the Amazon Rainforest, a Mayan temple, and the ocean. Graduate students have created many of the scientifically accurate simulations.


In order to build worlds in MicroMuse, students must first master the object-oriented programming language. They typically try out their understanding of this language by creating imaginary environments. Many of Mr. Mulry's students who are junior members have created rooms for themselves in the student dormitory. By using 'if...., then' statements, students can program any object in their dorm room to be manipulated. After mastering the object-oriented language, students can build scientifically accurate environments. As a student builds a scientific model of an object or environment, she gradually gains a better understanding of the real scientific environment. Mr. Mulry's students created a simulation of Ancient Greece while they were completing a cycle on the topic.

Educational Approach

Barry Kort, the creator of the MicroMuse, believes that the educational benefit of the MicroMuse is intrinsically linked with students' emotion. After a student works to learn something new, the excitement that she experiences is representative of a neuropeptide rush. In a traditional classroom, many students are not invested enough to find learning to be an emotionally satisfying experience. Kort claims that by providing students with the opportunity to experience such rushes, the MicroMuse is "getting kids pharmacologically addicted to learning."

MicroMuse enables kids to create their own knowledge in a self-directed manner. Mentors coach the students, but only when students ask for help. "Rather than just tell them what to do, we talk them through the research and the diagnostic reasoning process, so that they retain ownership of their work," proclaims Kort.

Students are invested in their learning because they quickly use their newly acquired knowledge. Kort labels this "just-in-time learning." He explains that in schools, students learn what they will use in the future. In therapy, people learn what they wish they had learned earlier. With just-in-time learning, students learn information exactly at the time they need to know it. Trying out new knowledge soon after learning it makes the information meaningful and more likely to be remembered.

Because MicroMuse students construct knowledge in a learning environment and not a teaching environment, they control the time of their learning. Kort describes that the students are no longer under the "tyranny of the clock" that exists in the classroom. The students choose the amount of time they want to dedicate to working through a problem and when to log out. Aside from technical problems, outside influences do not interrupt students' learning processes when they are on the MicroMuse.

Implementing the MicroMuse in the classroom can appear to be a somewhat contradicatory phenomenon. Kort claims that he did not initially intend for students to use MicroMuse during school hours. He introduced the MicroMuse for kids who chose to, but were not forced to, learn by using it. Kort did not want to direct his efforts toward convincing school comittees, parents, or teachers of the technology's educational value. It was an ideal learning situation for outside of the classroom because it did not require teaching, curriculum, or assessment. Preserving the benefits of the MicroMuse's self-directed spirit while incorporating it in the classroom is quite a task for teachers like Mr. Mulry, who are willing to undertake such a challenge.


In response to teachers' requests, Kort has established the 'MuseNet K12 Project' with which he revamps surplus and donated computers for schools. Kort claims that he "resurrected from the junk pile" the twelve VT100 computers that he gave to Mr. Mulry's class. These VT100 computers would be useless in most contexts, and are therefore worth almost no money. Given that schools typically do not have money, the MuseNet K12 Project is making the implementation of Muses in schools a realistic endeavor. After students get online, there are no further costs to access the MicroMuse system.

Other Implementation Requirements

Becoming Members Before MicroMuse users are allowed to build simulations and visit the many worlds, they must become members. To become a MicroMuse junior member, users must fulfill several requirements pertaining to basic concepts and technical skills associated with the MicroMuse. A student must know the rules for acceptable conduct, visit a project such as Narnia, and set a goal for herself. She must also know the basic self coding commands, how to move around (teleport), communicate, find other users, and obtain help. To become a full member, a student must create a character and get the sponsorship of at least two mentors. If she does not meet these requirements within thirty days, her character disappears. Mr. Mulry would like all of his students to become members. Because the membership process requires a large time investment, Mr. Mulry has his students work on the MicroMuse "for around ten hours each month." Generally, Mr. Mulry's students work on the MicroMuse during free time, indoor recess, and throughout after school programs. If a student is close to achieving membership status and time is running out, Mr. Mulry allows her to work on the MicroMuse during academic time.

Because the computers in Mr. M's classroom are hooked up to the Internet, students can access the MUSE by opening a "Telnet" connection. Mr. M's class members can call up the MicroMuse which is housed at MIT, or the Lanesboro Muse, which is a smaller Muse based at a school in Lanesboro Massachusetts. I watched as students opened the "Telnet" connection, typed in "musenet.bbn.com", and logged in as their character names. Students who are new to the Muse must log in as . They then type "connect visitor STUDENT'S-NAME", and answer "Yes" when asked if they are a visitor, and "No" when asked if they have ever used the Muse before. Most of Mr. Mulry's students working on the Muse had created characters and were in the process of getting sponsors. After typing "Who" to find who else has logged on, students paged other users to petition them to be their sponsors.

Processes of Classroom Implementation

During the two week teacher-development program at the Moore school last summer, one of the presenters spoke about the MicroMuse. Mr. Mulry volunteered to be the first teacher at the Moore School to try the MicroMuse in his classroom. Before introducing the innovation to his students, Mr. Mulry "spent the entire summer on MicroMuse." Through working on the MicroMuse, he learned the object oriented programming language, explored imaginary and scientifically accurate worlds, and designed classroom aids and instructional materials for his students.

At first, Mr. Mulry tried to introduce the MicroMuse to his class. In retrospect, he realizes that this proved to be disastrous. The system was overloaded, and Mr. Mulry could not control the class or help students who needed assistance. Mr. Mulry states:

"I then chose students by interest and ability so that some could learn and show others how to use the MicroMuse properly. This was taking much longer than I had expected, so we worked out a different plan and split the class into four groups. The initial group was the 'BeachHead' group. My idea was that these students would work on getting full time characters, then teach a second wave of students, and so on. Well, only one of the four original BeachHeads made full time character in the alotted time, even with an extension!"

The innovation is still in its implementation phase because Mr. Mulry now has eight students working toward junior membership, and two students who are full members. Mr. Mulry hopes to have all of his students working on the MicroMuse by next year. Ideally, he would like his class to build a virtual world for every cycle they study. He seems surprised and frustrated that it has taken so much time to get on the MicroMuse. Overall, however, Mr. Mulry's enthusiasm for the innovation continues as he believes that his efforts are worthwhile.

Factors affecting Implementation

Certain factors impede implementation to the MicroMuse, while others facilitate it. Time, lack of mentors, and students misusing the MicroMuse have been problematic for Mr. Mulry. The availability of hardware and a technologically supportive administration have enabled Mr. Mulry to continue using the MicroMuse in the classroom.


Mr. Mulry isolates 'time' as his largest barrier against fully implementing the MicroMuse into his classroom teaching. "There just isn't enough time for students to do what needs to be done and to grow on the Muse. It takes hours upon hours to really get the hang of it, to explore, and to learn." Because students seeking membership require a lot of time to work on the Muse, they also miss other activities in the classroom.

Mr. M has found that too few mentors on MicroMuse can be problematic. Because there are regularly no mentors on line during the day, students ask Mr. Mulry for his help. As he states, "It is hard for me to sit and help out 2-3 students at a time by giving them quality time, when my attention is needed by some of the other twenty students in the classroom." He explains that other students need supervision for behavioral reasons. They would rather just talk and joke with one another on MicroMuse instead of meeting someone new or exploring a virtual environment.

One day that I visited the classroom, Mr. Mulry was reprimanding a few students for misconduct on the MicroMuse. Mr. Mulry had received a transcript of the incident from one of the mentors. Students had been hanging out in the Transporter Lobby, where a user arrives when first entering the MicroMuse. One of the mentors was welcoming a new guest in the lobby, and the students were filling up the screen by engaging in conversation with one another. The filled screen obscured the conversation between the mentor and the guest, a phenomenon known as 'spamming'. The mentor asked the students to take their conversation to another site, and one student responded defiantly, refusing to move. Mr. Mulry discussed with the students why such incidents can not happen if the class wants to continue using the MicroMuse. The students agreed to write a letter of apology, which was well received by the mentor.


It is possible that because the Moore exemplifies a technology rich design, the MicroMuse was accepted into the classroom more easily than it would have been in a traditional school. Mr. Mulry states that the administration is supportive of any endeavors to incorporate technology into classroom teaching. He states that, "as long as the teachers are willing to use their personal time to learn about the innovation, the principal and vice principal encourage such action."

MicroMuse in the Curriculum

Last quarter, the students created a virtual community to represent that of Ancient Greece. After having his students read about Ancient Greece, Mr. Mulry asked them to name places, objects, and characters they believed would fit in their simulation of Ancient Greece. Students suggested places such as Sparta, Athens, the Mediterranean Sea, and Delphi. Although Mr. Mulry wanted to keep the focus on actual characters from Ancient Greece, several students expressed interest in including characters from Greek mythology. Students chose a place, object, or character about which they wrote a descriptive paragraph.

At that time, only two of Mr. Mulry's students had completed the necessary steps in order to become MicroMuse members. Each student's paragraph was entered into the Muse by one of these two student members. Five students are now junior members who are in the process of becoming full time members. These students should be ready to help with entering the information when the class builds an African community reflecting this cycle's theme.


I believe that I am fortunate to have viewed this innovation during its preliminary phase of integration because I was able to see how much class time is involved in acclimating the students to the Muse. Classroom time is precious to teachers and students, and replacing it with an activity that students could do outside of school remains questionable. The potentially educational power of the MicroMuse is impressive, and many students without home computers will only be able to experience it at school. It would be interesting to view Mr. Mulry's class one year from now: evaluating the students' progress as MicroMuse members, and determining the extent to which Mr. Mulry has incorporated the innovation into his curriculum. Further investigation needs to be conducted in order to determine whether or not the educational benefits justify the amount of time students spend getting oriented to the MicroMuse.


If a visitor or member were to take a virtual tour of Ancient Greece as created by students last semester, they would first land in the projects area. Users make travel choices from there. At different locations, users can choose to look at the descriptions of objects in the room. The following is a sample transcript from beginning of virtual tour through Ancient Greece:
Projects area
Project Rooms: First Floor: This is the area where students from the 
M School come to work on  projects.  As you peek into the various cool 
looking rooms you notice that there is 21st century technology in an 
Ancient Greek setting.  You are inspired by just walking about this 
Obvious exits:
Elevator   Ancient Greece   Grand Foyer

If you go to Ancient Greece, you find...

Vineyard in central Ancient Greece
Lights are flashing by you...........you get a little dizzy because you're a 
novice time traveler..........you land in the vineyard with a soft thud.
Obvious exits:
South   North   East   Out

If you choose North , you reach the...

Road to Delphi
In the distance you can see boats and ships riding along the Gulf of Lovinth.
The boats and ships are tied up to the dock.  You can see them all in a neat 
row as you walk forward.  
Obvious exits:
Delphi   Out   Southeast

If you go to Delphi...

The city-State of Delphi has a unique feeling about it.  You can tell that there 
are many visitors from far away places here to visit the oracle of Apollo.  
You hear talk in the Agora about what is expected of you if you are to 
get an answer to your question while visiting the oracle.  If you make the 
right offering, your future will be known to you.  Be careful, you may just 
get what you wish for.

Kathleen Manning is a graduate of the Harvard University Graduate School of Education.