May 28, 1997

The Boston Globe
NorthWest Weekly Section
442 Marrett Road
Lexington, MA

To the Editor:

As American citizens, it is our obligation to stand up for what we believe
is right.

Barry Kort has done this by refusing to pay a fee, which he considers
wrong, to the trustees of Bedfordshire Condominium Trust.

Your community, by tacitly supporting the trustees, is telling your young
people to be obedient at all costs.

I am surprised to see such an attitude in New England, which I thought was
home to revolution and abolition, or so I was taught out here in the

It is perhaps too late for a compromise in this case, but what if the
trustees continued to bill Mr. Kort, and he continued not to pay them?

Yours sincerely,

Suzanne G. Griffith
Bremerton, Washington

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